Media Coverage
Extensive media coverage of our paper & YouTube video, including over 865 clips about Team Squirrel such as: CNN, The Guardian, Cosmos, Mercury News, VICE, Yale E360, BBC News, NPR, All Things Considered, NBC News, WWDTM, The Telegraph, USA Today, IFL Science, LA Times, SF Gate, San Francisco Chronicle, KQED, WQQW News 18, Washington Post, Smithsonian Magazine, and more!

CNN, "California squirrels are eating another rodent for the first time, new study finds," By Julianna Bragg (December 18th 2024)

SFGate, "Bay Area squirrels are killing and decapitating en masse, study finds," by Suzie Dundas (December 18th 2024)
LiveScience, "Killer squirrels have developed taste for flesh — and voles are running for their lives" By Patrick Pester (December 19th 2024)

Science Alert, "California Squirrels Have Developed a Taste For Meat in Surprise Discovery" by Issam Ahmed (December 19th 2024)

L.A. Times, "California squirrels are now apparently hunting and eating other rodents" by Sandra McDonald (December 19th 2024)

BBC News - Discover Wildlife, "Bloodthirsty squirrels develop a taste for meat: Scientists amazed as astonishing film footage captures them tucking into a tasty rodent dinner," by Abigail Whyte (December 20th 2024)

Smithsonian Magazine, "Squirrels Are Displaying ‘Widespread Carnivorous Behavior’ for the First Time in a California Park, New Study Finds" by Eli Wizevich (December 20th 2024)

The Washington Post, "Squirrels were filmed feasting on tiny rodents. Scientists are perplexed" By Kyle Melnick (December 23rd 2024)
![]() National Public Radio (NPR), "All Things Considered" (Volume on!) by Regina G. Barber (December 2024)
![]() National Public Radio (NPR), "Short Wave" with Regina G. Barber and Juana Summers (December 27th 2024) - Why these squirrels are eating meat!

Quirks & Quarks with Bob McDonald | CBC Radio: Squirrels have developed a taste for vole flesh. 8:23 minute radio interview on podcast, first aired live on January 11th 2025.

Leader-Telegram - Eau Claire and the Chippewa Valley's Leading News Source since 1881, "They eat what?: UWEC research uncover unusual carnivorous behavior of ground squirrels" by Matthew Baughman (December 27th 2024) PDF
Photo: Undergraduate researchers Tia Ravara from UW-Eau Claire, left, and Ryann Su of UC Davis watch a squirrel during the 2023 field season; Photo by Sonja Wild.
Photo: Undergraduate researchers Tia Ravara from UW-Eau Claire, left, and Ryann Su of UC Davis watch a squirrel during the 2023 field season; Photo by Sonja Wild.
National Public Radio (NPR), "Wait, Wait, don't tell me!" (Volume on!) with Host Peter Sagal and special guests, Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone (December 21st 2024) - carnivorous squirrels made the news quiz (at end of the program)!
WQOW News 18 Story, "UWEC student researchers test dog intelligence" by ABC news 18 (Sept 2024)
WEAU News 13 Story, "UW-Eau Claire students test dogs for study at emBARK" by NBC news 13 (Sept 2024)
WEAU News 13 Story, "UW-Eau Claire students test dogs for study at emBARK" by NBC news 13 (Sept 2024)

Leader-Telegram - Eau Claire and the Chippewa Valley's Leading News Source since 1881, "Man's best friend?: UWEC lab has students research dog behavior, cognitive ability" by Matthew Baughman (October 2024) PDF
Photo: Selee, a golden retriever, takes part in a series of tests with UW-Eau Claire students, Jada Wahl & Mackenzie Miner, to research dog cognition; Photo by Baughman.
Photo: Selee, a golden retriever, takes part in a series of tests with UW-Eau Claire students, Jada Wahl & Mackenzie Miner, to research dog cognition; Photo by Baughman.
Science, "More playful young male dolphins father more offspring" by Virginia Morell (June 2024)
Epsiloon Scientific News Magazine, "It all started with the couple" by Héloïse Rambert (May 2024) PDF
Epsiloon Scientific News Magazine, "Girl Power vs. the Alpha Male: Lessons from Animals" by Alexandra Pihen (January 2024) PDF
Wisconsin Public Radio, "Team Squirrel' studies social behavior of ground squirrels at UW-Eau Claire" by Lorin Cox (December 2023)
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Understanding deer behaviors could help help prevent collisions with cars in Wisconsin" by Cleo Krejci (November 2023)
Featured project and photo in "CHAPTER 11: Animal Behavior, Cognition, and Human–Wildlife Interactions in Urban Areas" in the Book "Urban Biodiversity and Equity: Justice-Centered Conservation in Cities" edited by Max Lambert and Christopher Schell (September 2023) PDF
Leader-Telegram - Eau Claire and the Chippewa Valley's Leading News Source since 1881, "UWEC’s Team Squirrel analyzes field research in collaboration with UC-Davis" by Matthew Baughman (November 2023) PDF
UWEC Newsroom, "UW-Eau Claire biology team collaborates with University of California on field research" (November 2023)
UCLA Newsroom, "Inequality not inevitable among mammals, study shows" by Holly Ober (October 2023)
The Colin McEnroe Show, Connecticut Public Radio (National Public Radio), "In politics, is age really just a number?" by Lily Tyson (September 2023)
Futurity, "Are human dads oddly egalitarian? - not really" by Karen Nikos (May 2023)
List 23, "Humans are not the exception; they are also unique mammals" by Amber Gibson (May 2023), "Study looks at reproductive inequality in humans compared to other species" by Karen Nikos-Rose (May 2023)
Science Daily, "Humans are unique but not exceptional species of mammal" by UC-Davis (May 2023)
SciTechDaily, "The Egalitarian Illusion: humans are unique but not exceptional species" by UC-Davis (May 2023)
UC-Davis News, "Humans are unique but not an exceptional mammal" by Karen Nikos-Rose (May 2023)
UWEC Blugold Discovery, "Embarking into research: Animal behavior class conducts dog cognitive research." Domesticated dogs serve as companions for many. But, some might wonder why they behave the way they do. Our animal behavior class explores dog cognition and the impact external factors can have on their livelihoods.
Epsiloon Scientific News Magazine, "It all started with the couple" by Héloïse Rambert (May 2024) PDF
Epsiloon Scientific News Magazine, "Girl Power vs. the Alpha Male: Lessons from Animals" by Alexandra Pihen (January 2024) PDF
Wisconsin Public Radio, "Team Squirrel' studies social behavior of ground squirrels at UW-Eau Claire" by Lorin Cox (December 2023)
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Understanding deer behaviors could help help prevent collisions with cars in Wisconsin" by Cleo Krejci (November 2023)
Featured project and photo in "CHAPTER 11: Animal Behavior, Cognition, and Human–Wildlife Interactions in Urban Areas" in the Book "Urban Biodiversity and Equity: Justice-Centered Conservation in Cities" edited by Max Lambert and Christopher Schell (September 2023) PDF
Leader-Telegram - Eau Claire and the Chippewa Valley's Leading News Source since 1881, "UWEC’s Team Squirrel analyzes field research in collaboration with UC-Davis" by Matthew Baughman (November 2023) PDF
UWEC Newsroom, "UW-Eau Claire biology team collaborates with University of California on field research" (November 2023)
UCLA Newsroom, "Inequality not inevitable among mammals, study shows" by Holly Ober (October 2023)
-, "Inequality not inevitable among mammals, study shows" (October 2023)
-, "Inequality not inevitable among mammals, study shows" (October 2023)
- Life Technology - Evolutionary Ecology, "Inequality not inevitable among mammals, study shows" (October 2023)
The Colin McEnroe Show, Connecticut Public Radio (National Public Radio), "In politics, is age really just a number?" by Lily Tyson (September 2023)
Futurity, "Are human dads oddly egalitarian? - not really" by Karen Nikos (May 2023)
List 23, "Humans are not the exception; they are also unique mammals" by Amber Gibson (May 2023), "Study looks at reproductive inequality in humans compared to other species" by Karen Nikos-Rose (May 2023)
Science Daily, "Humans are unique but not exceptional species of mammal" by UC-Davis (May 2023)
SciTechDaily, "The Egalitarian Illusion: humans are unique but not exceptional species" by UC-Davis (May 2023)
UC-Davis News, "Humans are unique but not an exceptional mammal" by Karen Nikos-Rose (May 2023)
UWEC Blugold Discovery, "Embarking into research: Animal behavior class conducts dog cognitive research." Domesticated dogs serve as companions for many. But, some might wonder why they behave the way they do. Our animal behavior class explores dog cognition and the impact external factors can have on their livelihoods.
Wisconsin Public Radio, "What shapes an animal's behavior?" interview with Kate Archer Kent (April 2023)
WEAU News 13 Story, "UW-Eau Claire class studying how dogs understand the world" by NBC news 13 (March 2023)
CBS News Story, "University of Wisconsin is now offering a class called Animal Behavior" (March 2023)
WQOW News 18 Story, "UW-Eau Claire students test, "How smart is your dog?" by ABC news 18 (February 2023)
KQED News Story, "Rodents, Rivers and Runoff: Why Parts of the Bay Area Flood, Where the Water Goes and How Animals Adapt" by Amanda Font (February 2023)
NPR Podcast Interview with Bay Curious, a podcast that answers questions about the San Francisco Bay Area, by Olivia Allen-Price (February 2023)
WEAU News 13 Story, "UW-Eau Claire class studying how dogs understand the world" by NBC news 13 (March 2023)
CBS News Story, "University of Wisconsin is now offering a class called Animal Behavior" (March 2023)
WQOW News 18 Story, "UW-Eau Claire students test, "How smart is your dog?" by ABC news 18 (February 2023)
KQED News Story, "Rodents, Rivers and Runoff: Why Parts of the Bay Area Flood, Where the Water Goes and How Animals Adapt" by Amanda Font (February 2023)
NPR Podcast Interview with Bay Curious, a podcast that answers questions about the San Francisco Bay Area, by Olivia Allen-Price (February 2023)
The Swaddle, "Researchers Discovered Privilege, Wealth Disparities Among Animals Too" by Ananya Singh (November 14th 2022)
UW-Eau Claire news story, "UW-Eau Claire's student Reef Team cares for clownfish, urchins and other marine life in saltwater aquaria," by Judy Berthiaume (October 2022)
Discovery Magazine, "These four animals depend on leadership to survive," by Sean Mowbray (September 2022, complete with a YouTube video)
Interview for WQOW-TV news story, "You Ask, We Answer: Why are there so many seagulls on the field at Memorial High School?" by Katrina Lim (September 2022)
Experience Magazine, "How once-overlooked animal skills are helping humans" by Molly Callahan (September 2022)
UW-Eau Claire news story, "UW-Eau Claire's student Reef Team cares for clownfish, urchins and other marine life in saltwater aquaria," by Judy Berthiaume (October 2022)
Discovery Magazine, "These four animals depend on leadership to survive," by Sean Mowbray (September 2022, complete with a YouTube video)
Interview for WQOW-TV news story, "You Ask, We Answer: Why are there so many seagulls on the field at Memorial High School?" by Katrina Lim (September 2022)
Experience Magazine, "How once-overlooked animal skills are helping humans" by Molly Callahan (September 2022)

The Shape of the World Podcast, Interview focuses on the how the transfer of intergenerational wealth in the natural produces a phylogeny of privilege and insights it provides into human behavior, by Jill Riddell. Overview: Guest Jenn Smith says that human concepts of intergenerational wealth and inequality occur also in the behaviors of animals. Privilege itself isn’t new–but it’s novel and shocking to learn that humans aren’t the only species who pass along tangible assets to certain individuals in subsequent generations and consciously exclude others. Applying the term “privilege” to the animal kingdom shines a new light on animal culture–and our own. Listen to the full podcast, Episode 30: Privilege & Inequality in Animals.
The Animal Behavior Podcast, Interview focuses on patterns of leadership in animals and the value of long-term studies for training undergraduates in research, by Matthew Zipple (May 2022) Listen to the full podcast here.
The Times of London, "The have-nuts and have-nots: squirrels inherit wealth" by By Rhys Blakely (January 28th 2022)

National Public Radio (NPR), "Wait, Wait, don't tell me!" (Volume on!) with Host Peter Sagal and special guest, Kacey Musgraves (January 15th 2022)
Press Coverage about "squirrel privilege" and more starts at 10:20 min!
Press Coverage about "squirrel privilege" and more starts at 10:20 min!
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS): “Squirrel Movie!” will feature our Briones Long-term Behavioral Ecology Project on California Ground Squirrels and other squirrels of North America in a movie all about squirrels, Directed by Kevin McKinney (filmed Summer 2021, anticipated airdate of December 2022)
The World Economic Forum, "Inequality is not confined to humans. Animals are divided by privilege, too" AND paired video story about the paper, "Animals pass on privilege too, scientists say" by Douglas Broom (2022)
Institute for New Economic Thinking, "Fable of the Squirrels: New Research on Wealth Inequality Among Animals Sparks Debate on Human Economies," by Lynn Parramore (January 18th 2022)
New York Times, "Checking Privilege in the Animal Kingdom" by By Elizabeth Preston (January 11th 2022) Print & Online
Psych News Daily, "New study finds that “privilege” exists in the animal kingdom too" by Douglas Heingartner
(December 2021)
Salon, "Squirrel privilege is real: Intergenerational wealth drives animal inequality" by Nicole Karlis (December 2021)
Market Research Telecast, "Animals, like humans, inherit assets and privileges that influence inequality" (December 2021)
Save Mount Diablo Blog, "Scientist investigates how social behavior affects squirrels’ ability to find food" (December 2021) by Susan Ingersoll and Laura Kindsvater
Guide to the Wild, “Kazoo Magazine: The WILD Issue” by Erin Bried (Fall 2021; invited scientific consultant on female leadership in non-human animals for a special issue to inspire young girls about the natural world)
Mills Quarterly (Spring Issue): "Summer research programs roar back to life" (Fall 2021, pp. 10-11)
Bullfrog Films - invited comment on, “Nature's Clean-up Crew” by Robin Bicknell (August 31st 2021)
The Ethogram: "Field Notes: Risky Business" – Story about our research with doctoral candidate, Chelsea Ortiz-Jimenez at UC-Davis. Edited by Josie Hubbard and Maggie Creamer (May 12th 2021)
Berkeley Science Review, “Why is everyone nuts for squirrels: North America’s beloved rodent illuminates research from psychology to physics” by Samvardhini Sridharan (April 12th 2021)
Animal Ecology in Focus, "Integrating New Technological Advances and Classical Ecological Methods to Uncover the Secret Lives of Social Animals" by Beth Preston (Jan. 20th 2021) #StoryBehindthePaper
CNN London, "How animals transfer power from one leader to another: Brute force, inheritance and consensus" by Katie Hunt (Jan. 20th 2021)
Save Mount Diablo Blog, "Scientist finds social behavior affects ground squirrel gut microbiome" by Erin Person (Jan. 13th 2021)
The Guardian, "Animal democracy: How different species choose – or depose – a leader" by Paola Rosa-Aquino (Nov. 3rd 2020)
Popular Science, "These prehistoric rodents were social butterflies" by Kat Eschner (Nov. 3rd 2020)
National Geographic, "How animals choose their leaders, from brute force to democracy" by Brian Handwerk (Oct 22nd 2020)
Santa Fe Institute, "New paper gives 'Gini index for evolutionary biology'" (Oct 7th 2020), "Researchers propose an index for measuring "reproductive skew" across animal species" (Oct. 7th 2020)
New Scientist, "Dominate or influence?" by Emma Young (July 1st 2020)
Discover Magazine, "From Animals to Human Society: What We Learn When Women Lead" by Bridget Alex (Feb. 6 2020) PDF
Save Mount Diablo Blog, "The secret lives of squirrels underground: Researching how squirrels build and use burrows" by Amanda Robin (Feb. 4 2020)
Biomark featured project, "Social networks in California ground squirrels" (July 2019)
Save Mount Diablo Blog, "An integrated approach to understanding behavioral responses of free-living mammals to human-induced rapid environmental change" by Jennifer Smith (Jan. 28 2019) PDF
Colby Magazine, "Short forum: Squirrels and Mules" by Gerry Boyle (Dec. 2018, page 27) PDF
Psychology Today, "Lessons from Animals About Barriers to Female Leadership" by Marc Bekoff (Oct. 9 2018) PDF
BBC News, "Could the animal kingdom hold the secret to smashing the glass ceiling?: What animals tell us about female leadership" by Lesley Evans Ogden (Sept. 26 2018) PDF
New Scientist, "The 7 non-human mammals where females rule the roost" by Chelsea Whyte (Sept. 26 2018) PDF
Brains on! A podcast for kids & curious adults, "What makes fun things fun?" Interview and story by Molly Blume (August 2018)
“Mills College Biology Professor Coauthors Research on the Social Personalities of California Ground Squirrels” by Jeanne Herrera (July 2018) on PRWeb. Additional coverage by iNaturalist California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA), Weny News (Horseheads, New York), Crossroads Today ABC News Center (Victoria, Texas), NewsOn6 (Tulsa, Oklahoma), NBC29 (Charlottesville, Virginia), Fox40 (Binghamton, New York).
Podcasting at Mills College: "Dog Cognition Study at Mills College" by Lisa Patten (Dec. 2017)
Mills Quarterly (Spring Issue): "It Came From Beneath the Sea" by Linda Schmidt (March 2017, pp. 28) PDF
Mills Quarterly (Spring Issue): "Creature Features" by Linda Schmidt (March 2016, pp. 8-11) PDF
Voice of America, "Animals offer leadership lessons to humans" by Faiza Elmasry (December 2015)
IFL Science, "How do human leaders compare to animal ones?" by Janet Fang (November 2015)
Science Daily, "What makes a leader? Clues from the animal kingdom" (November 2015)
Western Daily Press, "Your boss is not as powerful as you might think - wild animals are true leaders, says a new study" by Tina Rowe (November 2015)
Nature World News, "Humans and Animals Lead Social Groups In Similar Ways, Researchers Say" By Samantha Mathewson (November 2015)
Forbes, "What elephants can teach the presidential candidates about leadership" by Arlene Weintraub (Nov. '15),
Forbes, "Why Donald Trump couldn't lead a pack of hyenas" by JV Chamary (Nov. 2015)
Market Business News, "Qualities of leadership – learned from studying mammalian societies" by Veronica Cruz (November 2015)
Neuroscience News, "The nature of leadership" (November 2015)
Tech Times, "What makes an effective leader? Leadership in animal kingdom gives clue" by R. Doctor (Nov. '15)
The Examiner, "Experts prove animals are better leaders than humans" by Paul Hamaker (November 2015) and "Humans can become better leaders by observing other animals" by Tameca L. Coleman (November 2015)
Discovery News, "Word's best leaders aren't human" by Jennifer Viegas (November 2015)
The Campanil: "Updated vertebrate collection provides backbone for revised biology programs" by Erin Strubbe (Cover story: October 2015)
Mills College Viewbook: "Immersive research experience: Doing real field and lab work" by Judy Silva (July 2015)
Earth Magazine: "The new anthropology: from bones and stones to biology and behavior" by Mary Caperton Morton (Comparing apples to oranges, hyenas to humans; June 2015)
BBC News: "Powerful female hyenas say 'hello' with their genitals" by Melissa Hogenboom (June 2015)
Mills Quarterly (Fall Issue): "Science in the Wild: Team squirrel takes the field" by Susan McCarthy (Cover story: September 2014) PDF
The Campanil: "Research team studies campus cat behavior" by Octavia Sun (Cover story: October 2013)
The Scientist "Behavior Brief: Establishing dominance through play" by Kate Yandell (2013)
National Public Radio: "Convergent Evolution: Hyenas Offer Clues To The Human Past" by Barbara J. King (February 2013)
American Society of Mammalogists Newsletter: "Hyenas, the new primates" by Ed Heske (February 2013)
The Campanil: "Professor introduces classes, energizes department" by Kate Carmack (Cover story: April 2013); students and colleagues welcome me to the Biology Department of Mills College in the college newspaper. PDF
Michigan State University: "Featured Fellow." Development Office (February 2012)
Flipside magazine: "Jaws of Death" (2012)
International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE) Newsletter: Spotlight on...Jenn Smith Highlighted as new investigator. (Volume 23, Spring 2011)
The Daily Nation: Media of Africa for Africa: The female hyena calls the shots. by Gathura, G. 21-January-2011.
Gill, V. 10-January-2011. Hyenas “greet friends” to ask for help. BBC Earth News, Science & Environment
Chavez, M.B. 1-August-2010. Graduate Women in Science Newsletter.
Kauppi, L. 1-April-2010. Women’s Resource Center Celebrates Award Worthy Women. Michigan State University Women’s Resource Center. MSU Women’s Resource Center Newsletter.
Daniels, J. March-2010. Featured Article on the Evolution of Religion, Brain, & Behavior. Institute for the Biocultural Study of Religion (IBCSR).
Gill, V. 2-February-2010. In pictures: Family matters to hyenas. BBC Earth News, Science & Environment
Skrzypczak, M. 6-April-2009. MSU research finds reason for female hyena dominance. MSU State News.
Oswald, T. Winter 2008. Hyenas pursue a table for one. MSU today: research on the edge. p. 14.
Oswald, T. & J.E. Smith. 2008. Spotted hyenas can increase survival rates by hunting alone. MSU News Bulletin 39(22):3.
Dodd, G. 18-July-2008. Spotted hyenas communal, except around dinner time.
Soltis, G. 17-July-2008. Solitary hyenas still get the last laugh.
"Postcard from Kenya" in Village Soup Times Click here for pdf
The World Economic Forum, "Inequality is not confined to humans. Animals are divided by privilege, too" AND paired video story about the paper, "Animals pass on privilege too, scientists say" by Douglas Broom (2022)
Institute for New Economic Thinking, "Fable of the Squirrels: New Research on Wealth Inequality Among Animals Sparks Debate on Human Economies," by Lynn Parramore (January 18th 2022)
New York Times, "Checking Privilege in the Animal Kingdom" by By Elizabeth Preston (January 11th 2022) Print & Online
Psych News Daily, "New study finds that “privilege” exists in the animal kingdom too" by Douglas Heingartner
(December 2021)
Salon, "Squirrel privilege is real: Intergenerational wealth drives animal inequality" by Nicole Karlis (December 2021)
Market Research Telecast, "Animals, like humans, inherit assets and privileges that influence inequality" (December 2021)
Save Mount Diablo Blog, "Scientist investigates how social behavior affects squirrels’ ability to find food" (December 2021) by Susan Ingersoll and Laura Kindsvater
Guide to the Wild, “Kazoo Magazine: The WILD Issue” by Erin Bried (Fall 2021; invited scientific consultant on female leadership in non-human animals for a special issue to inspire young girls about the natural world)
Mills Quarterly (Spring Issue): "Summer research programs roar back to life" (Fall 2021, pp. 10-11)
Bullfrog Films - invited comment on, “Nature's Clean-up Crew” by Robin Bicknell (August 31st 2021)
The Ethogram: "Field Notes: Risky Business" – Story about our research with doctoral candidate, Chelsea Ortiz-Jimenez at UC-Davis. Edited by Josie Hubbard and Maggie Creamer (May 12th 2021)
Berkeley Science Review, “Why is everyone nuts for squirrels: North America’s beloved rodent illuminates research from psychology to physics” by Samvardhini Sridharan (April 12th 2021)
Animal Ecology in Focus, "Integrating New Technological Advances and Classical Ecological Methods to Uncover the Secret Lives of Social Animals" by Beth Preston (Jan. 20th 2021) #StoryBehindthePaper
CNN London, "How animals transfer power from one leader to another: Brute force, inheritance and consensus" by Katie Hunt (Jan. 20th 2021)
Save Mount Diablo Blog, "Scientist finds social behavior affects ground squirrel gut microbiome" by Erin Person (Jan. 13th 2021)
The Guardian, "Animal democracy: How different species choose – or depose – a leader" by Paola Rosa-Aquino (Nov. 3rd 2020)
Popular Science, "These prehistoric rodents were social butterflies" by Kat Eschner (Nov. 3rd 2020)
National Geographic, "How animals choose their leaders, from brute force to democracy" by Brian Handwerk (Oct 22nd 2020)
Santa Fe Institute, "New paper gives 'Gini index for evolutionary biology'" (Oct 7th 2020), "Researchers propose an index for measuring "reproductive skew" across animal species" (Oct. 7th 2020)
New Scientist, "Dominate or influence?" by Emma Young (July 1st 2020)
Discover Magazine, "From Animals to Human Society: What We Learn When Women Lead" by Bridget Alex (Feb. 6 2020) PDF
Save Mount Diablo Blog, "The secret lives of squirrels underground: Researching how squirrels build and use burrows" by Amanda Robin (Feb. 4 2020)
Biomark featured project, "Social networks in California ground squirrels" (July 2019)
Save Mount Diablo Blog, "An integrated approach to understanding behavioral responses of free-living mammals to human-induced rapid environmental change" by Jennifer Smith (Jan. 28 2019) PDF
Colby Magazine, "Short forum: Squirrels and Mules" by Gerry Boyle (Dec. 2018, page 27) PDF
Psychology Today, "Lessons from Animals About Barriers to Female Leadership" by Marc Bekoff (Oct. 9 2018) PDF
BBC News, "Could the animal kingdom hold the secret to smashing the glass ceiling?: What animals tell us about female leadership" by Lesley Evans Ogden (Sept. 26 2018) PDF
New Scientist, "The 7 non-human mammals where females rule the roost" by Chelsea Whyte (Sept. 26 2018) PDF
Brains on! A podcast for kids & curious adults, "What makes fun things fun?" Interview and story by Molly Blume (August 2018)
“Mills College Biology Professor Coauthors Research on the Social Personalities of California Ground Squirrels” by Jeanne Herrera (July 2018) on PRWeb. Additional coverage by iNaturalist California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA), Weny News (Horseheads, New York), Crossroads Today ABC News Center (Victoria, Texas), NewsOn6 (Tulsa, Oklahoma), NBC29 (Charlottesville, Virginia), Fox40 (Binghamton, New York).
Podcasting at Mills College: "Dog Cognition Study at Mills College" by Lisa Patten (Dec. 2017)
Mills Quarterly (Spring Issue): "It Came From Beneath the Sea" by Linda Schmidt (March 2017, pp. 28) PDF
Mills Quarterly (Spring Issue): "Creature Features" by Linda Schmidt (March 2016, pp. 8-11) PDF
Voice of America, "Animals offer leadership lessons to humans" by Faiza Elmasry (December 2015)
IFL Science, "How do human leaders compare to animal ones?" by Janet Fang (November 2015)
Science Daily, "What makes a leader? Clues from the animal kingdom" (November 2015)
Western Daily Press, "Your boss is not as powerful as you might think - wild animals are true leaders, says a new study" by Tina Rowe (November 2015)
Nature World News, "Humans and Animals Lead Social Groups In Similar Ways, Researchers Say" By Samantha Mathewson (November 2015)
Forbes, "What elephants can teach the presidential candidates about leadership" by Arlene Weintraub (Nov. '15),
Forbes, "Why Donald Trump couldn't lead a pack of hyenas" by JV Chamary (Nov. 2015)
Market Business News, "Qualities of leadership – learned from studying mammalian societies" by Veronica Cruz (November 2015)
Neuroscience News, "The nature of leadership" (November 2015)
Tech Times, "What makes an effective leader? Leadership in animal kingdom gives clue" by R. Doctor (Nov. '15)
The Examiner, "Experts prove animals are better leaders than humans" by Paul Hamaker (November 2015) and "Humans can become better leaders by observing other animals" by Tameca L. Coleman (November 2015)
Discovery News, "Word's best leaders aren't human" by Jennifer Viegas (November 2015)
The Campanil: "Updated vertebrate collection provides backbone for revised biology programs" by Erin Strubbe (Cover story: October 2015)
Mills College Viewbook: "Immersive research experience: Doing real field and lab work" by Judy Silva (July 2015)
Earth Magazine: "The new anthropology: from bones and stones to biology and behavior" by Mary Caperton Morton (Comparing apples to oranges, hyenas to humans; June 2015)
BBC News: "Powerful female hyenas say 'hello' with their genitals" by Melissa Hogenboom (June 2015)
Mills Quarterly (Fall Issue): "Science in the Wild: Team squirrel takes the field" by Susan McCarthy (Cover story: September 2014) PDF
The Campanil: "Research team studies campus cat behavior" by Octavia Sun (Cover story: October 2013)
The Scientist "Behavior Brief: Establishing dominance through play" by Kate Yandell (2013)
National Public Radio: "Convergent Evolution: Hyenas Offer Clues To The Human Past" by Barbara J. King (February 2013)
American Society of Mammalogists Newsletter: "Hyenas, the new primates" by Ed Heske (February 2013)
The Campanil: "Professor introduces classes, energizes department" by Kate Carmack (Cover story: April 2013); students and colleagues welcome me to the Biology Department of Mills College in the college newspaper. PDF
Michigan State University: "Featured Fellow." Development Office (February 2012)
Flipside magazine: "Jaws of Death" (2012)
International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE) Newsletter: Spotlight on...Jenn Smith Highlighted as new investigator. (Volume 23, Spring 2011)
The Daily Nation: Media of Africa for Africa: The female hyena calls the shots. by Gathura, G. 21-January-2011.
Gill, V. 10-January-2011. Hyenas “greet friends” to ask for help. BBC Earth News, Science & Environment
Chavez, M.B. 1-August-2010. Graduate Women in Science Newsletter.
Kauppi, L. 1-April-2010. Women’s Resource Center Celebrates Award Worthy Women. Michigan State University Women’s Resource Center. MSU Women’s Resource Center Newsletter.
Daniels, J. March-2010. Featured Article on the Evolution of Religion, Brain, & Behavior. Institute for the Biocultural Study of Religion (IBCSR).
Gill, V. 2-February-2010. In pictures: Family matters to hyenas. BBC Earth News, Science & Environment
Skrzypczak, M. 6-April-2009. MSU research finds reason for female hyena dominance. MSU State News.
Oswald, T. Winter 2008. Hyenas pursue a table for one. MSU today: research on the edge. p. 14.
Oswald, T. & J.E. Smith. 2008. Spotted hyenas can increase survival rates by hunting alone. MSU News Bulletin 39(22):3.
Dodd, G. 18-July-2008. Spotted hyenas communal, except around dinner time.
Soltis, G. 17-July-2008. Solitary hyenas still get the last laugh.
"Postcard from Kenya" in Village Soup Times Click here for pdf